How to Print Royal Caribbean Luggage Tags

How to Print Royal Caribbean Luggage Tags

When preparing for a Royal Caribbean cruise, one essential task is printing your luggage tags. These tags are crucial for identifying and tracking your bags throughout the embarkation process. In this comprehensive guide, we will walk you through the step-by-step process of printing Royal Caribbean luggage tags. Whether you are a first-time cruiser or a seasoned traveler, this article will provide you with all the information you need to ensure a smooth and hassle-free experience.

What are Royal Caribbean Luggage Tags and Why Do You Need to Print Luggage Tags

Royal Caribbean luggage tags are special tags that are attached to your bags before boarding the cruise ship. These tags contain important information such as your name, stateroom number, and ship details. They help the cruise staff identify and deliver your bags to the correct stateroom, ensuring a seamless experience for you as a guest.

Printing Royal Caribbean luggage tags is essential for a smooth embarkation process. When you arrive at the port, you will need to attach these tags to your bags before dropping them off with the porters. The tags serve as a clear identifier for your bags, allowing the port staff to direct them to the correct location on the ship. Without properly printed luggage tags, your bags may get misplaced or delayed, causing unnecessary stress and inconvenience.


How to Print Royal Caribbean Luggage Tags

How to Print Royal Caribbean Luggage Tags

Now that you understand the importance of printing your luggage tags let’s dive into the step-by-step process of how to print Royal Caribbean luggage tags.

Step 1: Access the Royal Caribbean Website

To begin, open your preferred web browser and navigate to the official Royal Caribbean website. You can do this by typing “” in the address bar and pressing Enter.

Step 2: Log in to Your Account

Once you are on the Royal Caribbean website, locate the “Log In” button at the top right corner of the page. Click on it and enter your login credentials to access your account. If you don’t have an account, you will need to create one before proceeding.

Step 3: Navigate to the “Cruise Planner”

After logging in, find the “Cruise Planner” tab on the website. This tab is usually located in the main navigation menu. Click on it to access the Cruise Planner section.

Step 4: Locate the Luggage Tag Option

Within the Cruise Planner, look for the option to print luggage tags. This option is typically found under the “Before You Board” or “Pre-Cruise” section. Click on the luggage tag option to proceed.

Step 5: Customize and Print Your Luggage Tags

Once you have accessed the luggage tag section, you will have the opportunity to customize your tags. Fill in the required information, such as your name, stateroom number, and ship details. Double-check the accuracy of the information before proceeding.

After customizing your luggage tags, you can proceed to print them. Ensure that you have a printer connected to your computer and loaded with the appropriate paper. Click on the “Print” button, and your luggage tags will be printed.

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

Q1: Can I Print Luggage Tags at the Port?

No, it is recommended to print your luggage tags before arriving at the port. Printing them in advance allows you to ensure accuracy and avoid any last-minute inconveniences. However, if you forget to print them at home, some ports may have self-service kiosks where you can print tags for a fee.

Q2: Do I Need to Print Luggage Tags for Each Bag?

Yes, you should print luggage tags for each bag you plan to check-in. This helps the cruise staff identify and deliver each bag to the correct stateroom.

Q3: What Paper Should I Useto Print Luggage Tags?

It is recommended to use a sturdy and durable paper for printing luggage tags. A thick cardstock or adhesive-backed paper works best as it can withstand the handling and potential exposure to moisture during the embarkation process. This ensures that your luggage tags remain intact and legible throughout your cruise journey.

Q4: Can I Reprint Luggage Tags if I Make a Mistake?

Yes, if you make a mistake while printing your luggage tags, you can reprint them. Simply go back to the Royal Caribbean website, access the Cruise Planner, and locate the luggage tag option again. Make the necessary corrections and print the new tags. It is important to ensure the accuracy of the information on the tags to avoid any confusion or delays in the delivery of your bags.

Q5: What Should I Do if I Don’t Have Access to a Printer?

If you don’t have access to a printer, there are a few alternative options available. You can visit a local print shop or an office supply store that offers printing services. They can assist you in printing your luggage tags for a small fee. Additionally, some libraries and internet cafes may also have printers available for public use.

5. Conclusion

Printing Royal Caribbean luggage tags is a crucial step in preparing for your cruise. By following the step-by-step process outlined in this guide, you can easily print your luggage tags and ensure a smooth embarkation process. Remember to double-check the accuracy of the information on the tags and use a sturdy paper for printing. With properly printed luggage tags, you can have peace of mind knowing that your bags will be delivered to the correct stateroom, allowing you to fully enjoy your Royal Caribbean cruise experience.

Now that you have all the information you need, it’s time to start printing your Royal Caribbean luggage tags and get ready for an unforgettable cruise adventure!

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